How the Improved User Flow Can Benefit Conversion

Anna Rybalchenko
January 25, 2024

Ever wondered why some online shopping experiences feel like a breeze while others make you want to throw in the towel? Well, at the Conference Room, we're all about turning that frustration into high-fives. 

What is the User Flow?

Okay, imagine your favorite online shopping spree – from the moment you land on a site to clicking that 'buy now' button. That whole journey is what we call the user flow. It's like the GPS for your online adventure, guiding you smoothly from point A to point "HECK YEAH, I GOT WHAT I NEEDED!"

Why Users Bail at the Checkout and How to Fix It

1. Confusing Navigation

Ever felt like you're in a maze while trying to checkout? Users often bail when they can't find the next button or get lost in a sea of options.

Solution: Simplify the navigation! Ensure a clear and logical flow with prominent next buttons. Cut down on unnecessary steps and guide users seamlessly through the checkout process.

2. Lengthy Forms

Nobody likes to fill out a hundred fields just to buy a pair of socks. Lengthy forms can scare off potential buyers.

Solution: Trim the fat! Only ask for essential information and use smart defaults whenever possible. Consider implementing guest checkout options to save users from form-filling fatigue.

3. Hidden Fees Surprise

Imagine thinking you've snagged a deal, only to be hit with unexpected shipping or tax fees at the last moment.

Solution: Be upfront! Clearly display all costs from the get-go. Transparency builds trust, and users are more likely to complete the purchase when they know exactly what they're paying for.

4. Mandatory Account Creation

Forcing users to create an account before checkout can be a major turn-off. People want the option to breeze in, make a purchase, and bounce.

Solution: Give users the choice! Offer a guest checkout option and make account creation an optional step after the purchase. Encourage account creation by highlighting the benefits, but don't make it a roadblock.

5. Complicated Discount Codes

When applying a discount feels like solving a puzzle, users may abandon their carts.

Solution: Keep it simple! Make sure discount codes are easy to find and apply. Consider automatically applying discounts when possible, so users don't have to hunt for promo codes.

6. Lack of Trust Signals

In the digital world, trust is everything. If your checkout page looks shady or lacks security assurances, users might bail.

Solution: Show your security badge! Display trust seals, secure payment options, and assure users that their data is in good hands. A secure checkout page is a happy checkout page.

7. Limited Payment Options

Not everyone loves credit cards, and restricting payment options might send potential customers packing.

Solution: Diversify! Include various payment options, from credit cards to digital wallets. The more flexibility you offer, the more likely users will find a method that suits them.

Why Use User Flow Templates?

Clarity and Understanding

User flow templates provide a clear visual representation of the paths users can take within a system. This clarity is crucial for understanding the overall user experience and identifying potential pain points or bottlenecks.

Problem Identification

By mapping out user flows, you can identify areas where users might face confusion, frustration, or abandonment. This proactive approach helps in addressing potential issues before they negatively impact user satisfaction.


User flow templates are essential for optimizing the user experience. By visualizing the complete journey, you can identify opportunities for streamlining processes, reducing friction, and enhancing overall usability.

Steps to Use a User Flow Template:

To craft your own user flow using FigJam's User Flow Template in the whiteboard tool, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly articulate the goals you aim to accomplish through your user flow. Understand the desired outcomes and functionalities you want users to experience within your product or service. This foundational step sets the tone for your entire user flow.

2. Comprehend User Intentions

Gain a thorough understanding of what your users intend to achieve when interacting with your product or service. Establishing this understanding provides a solid basis for constructing a user flow that aligns with user needs and expectations.

3. Determine Endpoint Goals

Decide on the final destination within your product or service where you want users to conclude their journey. Utilize a customer journey map to create a shared vision among team members, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the customer's emotional journey at various touchpoints.

4. Identify Entry Points

Explore the various entry points that serve as the starting juncture for your user flow. Investigate channels such as direct traffic, organic search, paid advertising, social media, referral links, or emails through which users discover and engage with your product or service.

5. Timing of Information Delivery

Consider the information users need and the specific moments during their journey when they require it. Enhance the user experience by delivering pertinent information at the right time, increasing the likelihood of conversions. Additionally, factor in user engagement as a crucial success metric beyond final purchases.

6. Utilize Shapes and Arrows

Employ shapes and arrows in your FigJam Board, customizing them based on insights gathered in previous steps. Begin by mapping the initial touchpoint and outline subsequent steps users take to accomplish a task. Adjust touchpoints, drop-offs, and connector lines to precisely reflect your unique user flow.

7. Seek Team Feedback

Encourage feedback from your team, clients, or cross-functional stakeholders. Share your FigJam Board with them to gather insights, perspectives, and suggestions. Collaborative input ensures a well-rounded user flow that considers diverse viewpoints.

8. Share and Iterate

Share the user flow with stakeholders or clients, and be prepared to iterate as necessary. Acknowledge that user flows are dynamic and evolve over time in response to shifting customer attitudes and motivations. Stay attuned to user needs, adapt your user flow accordingly, and iterate for ongoing refinement.


Improving user flows is undoubtedly a game-changer for boosting conversions and enhancing overall satisfaction. As we've explored the intricacies of user flow optimization, it's clear that addressing pain points and ensuring a seamless journey are pivotal to success.

By incorporating Karma and Time Bot into your toolkit, you're not just enhancing user flows; you're fostering a workplace culture that values collaboration, recognizes achievements, and optimizes efficiency. This holistic approach, combining user-centric design and team empowerment, is a recipe for unparalleled success.

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