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Pitch Deck Template

Get noticed and make a memorable impact with the Pitch Deck Template. Captivate your audience and win over supporters for your idea.

About the Pitch Deck Template

The Pitch Deck Template is a valuable tool for presenting ideas to potential investors and stakeholders, giving your business the boost it needs to succeed. By providing a concise and effective overview of your idea, this template can help secure a second meeting and start important discussions about funding.

Additionally, the template can be used for pitching projects or partnerships, both within and outside your organization, making it a versatile asset for bringing any idea to life.

FigJam demo

What's a pitch deck?

A pitch deck is a brief presentation that provides an overview of a business idea, product, or service. It's usually used by entrepreneurs or startup companies to pitch their ideas to potential investors, stakeholders, or customers. The pitch deck typically includes a summary of the company, market analysis, revenue projections, and a call to action. It's important for a pitch deck to be clear, concise, and visually appealing in order to effectively communicate the key points of the business idea and generate interest from potential investors or stakeholders.

How do you build the perfect pitch deck?

Building the perfect pitch deck involves several key steps. Here are some tips to help you create an effective pitch deck:

  • Understand your audience: Before you start building your pitch deck, take the time to research your audience and understand their needs and expectations. This will help you tailor your presentation to their interests.
  • Define your goal: Identify your main objective for the pitch deck, such as raising capital or attracting new customers. Your goal should guide the content of your pitch deck.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid using complex language or industry jargon. Your pitch deck should be easy to understand for people who are not experts in your field.
  • Tell a story: Use a narrative structure to make your pitch deck more engaging. Start with a problem or challenge, then explain how your product or service provides a solution.
  • Use visuals: Use images, charts, and other visuals to illustrate your points. This will make your presentation more engaging and easier to understand.
  • Practice your delivery: Practice your pitch deck several times to make sure you feel comfortable delivering it. This will help you feel more confident and prepared when you present.
  • Keep it short: Keep your pitch deck concise and to the point. Most pitch decks should be between 10-15 slides long.

By following these tips, you can build an effective pitch deck that will help you achieve your business goals.

Why have a pitch deck?

Having a pitch deck can be a powerful tool to communicate your idea or business to potential investors, partners, or customers. It provides a visual and concise overview of your product or service, the market opportunity, your business model, and your team. A well-crafted pitch deck can help you make a strong first impression and capture the attention of your audience. It can also help you clarify your own thinking about your business and highlight the most important aspects that will drive its success. Ultimately, a pitch deck can help you secure funding, partnerships, or customers that are essential to the growth and success of your business.

How to make a pitch deck with FigJam's template

FigJam's infinite canvas is an excellent starting point for collecting ideas and resources to create your pitch deck. When you're ready to begin building your presentation, use our customizable Pitch Deck Template.

Each slide is presented as a frame, allowing you to easily modify the content, add or delete slides, and rearrange their order.

When it's time to present, switch to Presentation mode. Your slides will fill the screen, and you can navigate between them using arrow buttons or keys. Only the selected frames will be visible, and distractions like comments and collaborators' cursors will be hidden to keep the audience focused.

What should a pitch deck contain?

  • Title: Craft a compelling and attention-grabbing title that captures the audience's interest.
  • Problem/Opportunity: Clearly define the problem you are addressing or the opportunity you are pursuing.
  • Value Proposition: Articulate the value of your idea and its unique selling points.
  • Underlying Strategy: Describe your plan and provide a clear visual roadmap demonstrating how your team will succeed in the market.
  • Business Plan: Present a high-level overview of your financial goals and return on investment.
  • Go-to-Market Strategy: Outline your marketing plans and strategies for reaching your target audience.
  • Competitive Analysis: Briefly describe your competitors and highlight how your idea differentiates from theirs.
  • Management Team: Provide an overview of your team and their skills and experience.
  • Financial Projections and Key Metrics: Include relevant financial metrics for your pitch, but avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive information.
  • Current Status, Achievements, Timeline, Use of Funds: Detail your current status, accomplishments, timeline, and how you plan to use the funding to achieve your objectives.

Pitch deck FAQs

How do you write a pitch deck?

When writing a pitch deck, it's important to consider your audience and adjust your tone accordingly. While your presentation should be concise and informative, there's still room for creativity. In fact, starting with an attention-grabbing opening slide can make a big difference. To create your pitch deck, you can use FigJam's Pitch Deck Template and choose which frames to include and what content to add to each one. Be sure to highlight your unique selling points and explain what sets your idea or project apart, as well as how it will benefit others.

What makes a great pitch?

A successful pitch should leave a lasting impression on your audience and pique their curiosity about your project. Strike a balance between being creative and informative to keep their attention throughout your presentation. End with a clear call to action and include your contact information on the final frame so that interested parties can follow up with you.

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